Clean air: good.
Pollution: bad.

May I have a lollipop. No.
May I have some edamame: yes

[edamame by Yomi]
[lollipop by Flora]
Kick someone in the head: wrong.
Share what you have: right.
But wait.
Orange juice?
Being blunt?
Kick someone in the head while sparring?
Most things in life are not easily classified. This week I found examples in the writing world. The topic at hand: Twitter Speak. Short sentences, often without articles or pronouns.
Nathan Bransford finds it unprofessional in query letters.
Kathleen Duey wrote a Twitter Novel.
Heh. Did you whack someone upside the head, Yat Yee? Ooh, I'm TELLING!
(The edamame looks SO TASTY.)
Incidentally, Duey's novel may be a sentence-a-day, but it is anything but sentences without articles or pronouns, and I think it's going to end up being a serious, professional thing. I read it on her blog in weekly gulps (I don't use Twitter), and it's riveting.
No, still at no-contact sparring at this point. And also I'd have to do a whole lot more stretching for my legs to get up to anybody's head level, since I am the shorty in the class.
And thanks for the correction re: Duey's novel. I guess I was struck by the Twitter connection in these blog posts.
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