Saturday, January 16, 2010

My favorite books in 2009, Part 2

Here is the second installment of the list of books I enjoyed the most in 2009. And thanks for your comments to yesterday's post. Keep 'em coming.

Wednesday Wars by Gary Schmidt
Of the dozens and dozens of books that take place in a school, this one manages to stand out. A big part of the reason is that his humor is pitch-perfect. No indication of trying to hard or straining for cheap laughs. The humor is ingrained into the voice.

Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson
Every single book I'd read of this author--Speak, Catalyst, Prom--I've enjoyed. A lot. But this one has moved beyond even those high standards. There were many moments I had to put the book down because not only did she, the author, seemed to have completely gone into the head and heart of the narrator, who's battling her eating disorder and the death of her friend, she got me there as well.

Percy Jackson and The Olympians series by Rick Riordan
The Underland Chronicles by Suzanne Collins
Some series start off with a bang but cannot sustain the momentum the first book has set. These two start off with a bang all right, and kept the great stuff coming. Love. Them. Had to hide The Last Olympian from the 9-year old Percy fan aka my book-inhaler daughter, so I could read it before she did. I know, that's stooping quite low, but you know, I had to make sure there wasn't anything in the book that was inappropriate for her....okay, lame.

When I grow up, I want to be Rick Riordan, Suzanne Collins, or Laurie Halse Anderson.


Heather Hedin Singh said...

Hi Yat-Yee!
I also loved Wednesday Wars and Wintergirls, as well as several of your other favorites below. All by such great writers!

Bish Denham said...

Wintergirls...blew me away that such a difficult subject could be written about in such beautiful poetic prose.

Yat-Yee said...

Wintergirls: so amazing.

Heather: welcome to my blog. I went over to read yours. I think I'll be back!

Tricia J. O'Brien said...

Oh, it's nice to know the Percy Jackson series continues to be good. I read the first and liked it. BTW, I've left you a happy award on my blog just to spread some sunshine.

Anonymous said...

Hi Yat-Yee!
I loved Percy Jackson, too. And I was introduced (pressured into reading them all) by my 13yo daughter. Now I think I've gotten suckered into taking her and a few friends to the movie, though we are a little leery...
I think I need to check out Suzanne Collins!

Yat-Yee said...

Tricia: Thanks for spreading the happiness this way. Will post mine sometime soon.

Jennifer: Are you worried that the movie won't live up to the book? Me too, but my daughter and I have already planned to see the movie!

And, yes, you MUST check out Suzanne Collins. Either the Underland Chronicles or Hunger Game and Catching Fire.