Because it has to happen every day, or I am cranky.
Because it is a miracle every time it happens.
Because I don't remember exactly how it happened the night before, but I know it'll happen again, somehow, tonight.
Because I can't force it; I just need to be ready, with my teeth brushed and flossed / mind attentive and butt in chair.
Because it's a gift.
Excellent comparison! I totally agree :)
I love this! It is a miracle.
Glad you agree!
You sleep with your butt in the chair? ;)
Nevets: yes, and I brush and floss before I write.
haha Hey, I usually brush and rinse before I write, if it's going to be a serious session and not just five, ten minutes of keyboard pounding.
For that you'll only brush and not rinse?
Yep! I'm all about efficiency!
I don't want to even think about the comparisons between having a bad writing day and a bad night of sleep... See #1, reference "cranky..."
Lovely. Beautifully written and right on target.
Hilarious, Yat-Yee! This is scarily true for me too.
I love this!! :-)
Yep. That's it.
It's fun to see how many of you share my observations on this! Thanks for dropping by.
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