Monday, March 23, 2009

Harry Potter

That's who, or rather, the what: the book I haven't read till about a month ago.

And you call yourself a kidlit writer?

I know, I know. In my defense, however, it was the book I chose to bring to the hospital when I was in labor. My husband read parts of it to me before the pain got too much. So what if it was eight and a half years ago.

I figured Harry Potter had enough readers worldwide, it didn't need me. I went for the debuts and the quiet novels that didn't make it to the NY Times bestseller list: always rooting for the underdog. Also, I have this irrational reluctance to take part in any phenomenon huge enough to be known as a phenom. And you have to agree Harry is a phenom.
But when the Harvard kids decided to pick on Rowling, I read her speech and was very impressed.

Anyway, I plucked Sorcerer's Stone from my TBR pile (does yours topple over?) recently and had a great time. No question, she's an excellent writer; Imagination, control over her craft, heart: she has it all. How does one not like Hagrid or Ron? Or get a rush from the Quiddich game? Or wish for a pet owl or a special cloak?

Phenom status: well deserved.

Quite a few people, all of whom women my age, have urged me to read Twilight.


a brilliant blog said...

why is it every time I go to a book store I pick up another night-stand book. Wy does that big stack on my night-stand make me smile so big??? My intentions are good. But will we always have a TBR stack? yeah. And I like that. It's so very optimistic.
Love your blog!

Yat-Yee said...

Thanks! And I know the smile that comes from a wobbling stack of books!

Nandini said...

Welcome back! I love Harry. When the last one came out, the kids and I were at the midnight madness party at B&N, in costume. My son even made the newspaper (in his Harry Potter outfit). Jo Rowling rocks! Only Muggles think otherwise.

Yat-Yee said...

Thanks, Nandini. I've enjoyed a week with my family but I did miss the web community.

Looks like I've got tons of Harry to catch up! (Rubs hands together in glee.)