Monday, June 29, 2009

The nature of the beast

Blogs are so wonderful. So much wisdom, so much passion, so much humor: stuff that enriches our lives. Yet blogposts are in the forefront for only a short time, and then they are archived and often forgotten.

Little ol' me may not have as big a slice of the readership pie as the popular bloggers, but
I'd like to do my part to bring some posts to a wider audience; posts that have either touched me deeply or provoked me to think to a wider audience.

Here is one by my cyber-friend, Tanita Davis, who wrote so eloquently about a much respected professor, inter-racial marriages, malice, all tied in a nice big bow of Shakespeare's 130th sonnet.

I hope it touches you or inspires you, or both.


Sherrie Petersen said...

Great link! Have you read her books?

Yat-Yee said...

Yes! you should definitely check them out.

Yat-Yee said...

And I say that not only because we're in a critique group. Her writing is from the heart, authentic, moving, and very smart.

tanita✿davis said...

Thank you.